Overall, it looks like I could use a refocus on my physical self, especially working out and my personal hygiene. I think making sure I do the things spiritually that make me happy is important as well.
These were my original goals for 2019
1) Read my scriptures and say morning and night prayer every day of 2019. EVERY DAY. 365 total. Unfortunately, I didn't do this every day. I did a good job, but it wasn't every day. In the end, it isn't the worst. But I can do better.
a. Get out of bed first. The first thing you do is pray and read.
b. Keep a tally. I did start to keep a tally but haven't kept it going.
c. Keep up with the New Testament curriculum; it’ll make church more meaningful. I did do the come follow me program and it was awesome. No regrets there.
2) Weigh 175 lbs at the end of the year. I once weighed 165 this year. I looked at this goal and said haha suckers, but now it is December and I weight ~190; who is the sucker now.
a. You know it is all in the food…
i. STOP EATING DESSERTS. 1 cheat/week; that’s it. I think this will be my main goal next year. I know I can be in shape without stress eating and desserts.
b. Work out daily
3) Be a better husband to Haley. I think I improved this year.
a. Say “that sucks”, a lot. Remember she wants someone to listen. Still working on this (stop thinking like an engineer)
b. Fun activity once a week. For sure.
4) Get a dog. Period. Who cares if your life is a mess and your house is a mess and your dog is a mess. Just do it. You’ll love it and cherish it forever. Ah, yes. Our Peachy Pie! And actually, my house isn't that messy. She did chew that one door pretty good...and there is constantly plastic everywhere. Okay, a little messy, but I do love it and cherish it, as predicted. (First predictive model on the blog?)
5) Buy a house! ~$230K. Yup, bought a house. It's awesome. It's a lot of work.
6) Start grad school @ Georgia Tech in analytics. Heck yes, 'Go Tech!' I don't even know if that's what they say. I guess that's what happens when you're online, part-time. Oh wait, it is 'Go Jackets'. I was close!
7) Figure out how to stay connected to families.
a. Facetime? Online games? Flights? I've been talking to my mom and dad and Graham about once a week. I don't talk to Elliott as much. Gotta figure that out.
8) Worry less. Worrying makes things worse. Don’t complain. Don’t gossip. I genuinely have gotten better at this.
9) Say mantra every day. Did for like 2 months.
10) Have money by this summer haha. Had enough for my needs!
11) Keep Swedish alive. I haven't spoken as much as I would have liked to.
12) Keep up with current trends
a. Read an article a day in the following: I think this blog is the PERFECT way to deal with this. Because then I can write down what I learn from all of it.
i. Chemical sensors
ii. Big data and analytics
iii. Oil and gas
1. Read “Refining in Non-Technical Language” and “EM Refining Overview” by start date
iv. Plastic / Recycling
v. Nursing
vi. Buying a house
Things I want in 2019:
- A pupper. Yup!
- Haley’s paddle board
- Gym membership (classpass? Gym with classes?) Does a at-home gym count?
- Drone (?)
- 3D printer (?)
- Injection molder
- Nintendo switch Zelda, SuperSmash, Luigi's Mansion, FIFA
- Teeth whitening
- Windows computer
For 2020, looks like eat less junk and feast upon the words of Christ.
1) Am I the member I once asked people to be? Short answer; no, you're not :'(
a. Am I friendly and outgoing at church? No, I am quiet and antisocial
b. Do I pray daily with Haley? I'm close. I'd say 5/7
c. FHE every Monday. Wah, wah, wah. Always next year
i. Prayer, Lesson, Activity
ii. Avery – odd days
2) Enjoy Utah for this last bit
a. Questival. Oops
b. List of Utah things to do. Yeah, we did some fun stuff.
3) Survive the end of school
a. Scholarship is set, job is set => no worries, be happy. School was a breeze and fun.
b. Put yourself into a position where data science job is a legit option for you. Not sure what I meant really...I had already accepted a job.
4) Love Haley. I do and have!
a. Do you go on walks? We went on a lot and go on more now!
b. Do you do the things she suggests doing? I'm working on it and being conscious.
c. Are you trying to be outgoing and social for her? We hang with friends a lot, but could be more social.
5) Lose 10 lbs. Well, I did. And then gained it back. Whatever that is worth.
a. Drink 5 water bottles a day. Nope.
b. Work out 2x a day. Nope.
i. 20 pushupts, 20 situps, 20 squats when you wake up
ii. Running
iii. Sports after work
iv. Learn how to swim better
v. Should I try to work out in the morning?
c. Chew gum like there is no tomorrow. I do this.
d. Just eat less, snack less.
e. Less granola bars. I eat more than ever before.
6) Comment my code thoroughly. OHhhhhhh! Good one!
7) Be hygiene clean
1. Wash face daily – get into routine with product. What will my routine be? I have a routine and take care of my skin.
a. Face Cleanser
b. Face Lotion
c. After shave cream
d. Zit cream
b. Brush teeth daily—floss. I am about 5/7 on the flossing
c. Shower daily—just know it is for the greater good. I do shower every day.
Overall, from 2018 Fall ,being more outgoing and social and snacking less on granola bars seems the path forward for improvement in 2020.
2018 Goals
1) Land a job that pays +$90k Check!
ExxonMobil? IM Flash? Intel? Micron?
2) Publish a paper Check!
1) love my wife everyday and treat her like a princess. Can always do better
- be more patient with here
- give random gifts
- take time to receive and absorb her love
2) get good grades in school. I got great grades. End of sophomore, beginning of junior? I think physics 2, ochem, business, and process (4.0) and then heat transfer, fluids, mass transfer, stats, ect (not 4.0 but like 3.88 so good job).
- capitalize on the strengths of each class. You'll have to find them.
- just keep above a 3.6
3) be a good employee and look at work as learning experience. I am so grateful I did this for so many reasons.
- 12 hours a week
4) be less stressed. I get less stressed every year.
5) be more fit.
6) serve more often - I am constantly getting better at this
- take advantage of the opportunities in front of you
- road home and science Olympiad experience
- help in church: moves, snow ect
7) read my scriptures each day
- have a sticker chart
8) pray each day
- have a sticker chart
9) do my home teaching
- sticker chart
- don't care what they think of you
Note all the charts. You are data motivated.
10) help Sweden out more. REMMEBER it
- message people
- practice Swedish
- go to reunions
1) make money
2) get one top of things
- clean house
- work out every day
3) enjoy the summer
- spend time with avery and family and friends
4) start blog and make recipes.
1) earn mones
2) be more fit
- step challenge
- play soccer
- work out
3) sciotures and prayer
4) build a soccer wall. I did that!
5) develop interesting skills
Start podcast I did that!
Spring 2016 Goals
Freshman Year
Spiritual Become more like Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. - Consistently think of him - Know who He is - Memorize HimBe a likable person. Someone who listens and compliments. - Make time for people. Lose your life. Talk to everyone. They are ‘Susy’. You can make their day. - Practice on the ordinary people you meet - Everyone needs help
Work out daily, even if is just 15 minutes
Can we stop junk food?
Improve posture
Become more flexible
Lose love handles
Write in journal once a week
Call more people, text less
Don’t worry about dating. You'll be married before the end of the year hahaha!
Spend as much time as you can in the lab. Ah, lab tech days.
Learn Norwegian, Danish, and Spanish better. A little useless, tbh.
Learn new things: stocks, programming, design, ect. Look! How cute, programming is new!
Continue to read and pray daily. Attend temple monthly. Keep grades above a 3.2 (3.6).
Fall 2015 Goals
Freshman Year
Keep at 3.6 GPA or higher. Yes you did.
Master major foundations
Learn to love to learn. Yes you did!
Make Jesus Christ and His Gospel the center of my life; my everything.
Read out of the scriptures every day
Pray every day
Master being a person people like being around
Be everyone’s friend. Show everyone love. I think I did a good job at this.
Date some cute girls. Went on my first dates with my wife, Haley!
Get back into shape!
Become more flexible
Lose love handles
Become more confident and a higher self worth. I think I've come a long way
Become more calm and develop perspective. Calm bubble.
Be more comfortable being alone. I can't believe I was once uncomfortable being alone!
Avery Smith’s Goals 2013 / Things I Want To Do Before The Mish
Serve a mission - June 2013 - June 2015 Yup!
Graduate from Alta High - June 2013 Yup!
Win a soccer state championship - May 2013
Visit the temple once every week - EVERY WEEK
Stop popping zits -Every Day. I'll admit, still a struggle 7 years later.
Write in journal - Every Day. Hoping blogging will help.
Read the scriptures - Every Day
Keep a clean room - Every Day. I have gotten exponentially better at this.
Be happier. I honestly now feel happy
Love everyone as a potential Celestial Kingdom friend
Live more in the momentBe spontaneous. Take chances.
Be an example of the believers.