Hey. It's me, again. Here I am, creating yet another blog. I think my record for blogging (and other such public, entrepreneurial things) is my 12-year-old self with my photography blogspot. I wonder if it is till a thing...let's see.
photomephoto.blogspot.com - go check it out. Pretty impressive for an 11 year old. My Dad is so awesome for encouraging me to do that. There is some pure gold material in there.
For instance, what about this other blog I started? http://greenmorethanacolor.blogspot.com ; that shows why I wanted to be a chemical engineer in the first place. I think I'll have to do some follow up posts about these old blogs. They're amazing, and I already spent 30 minutes taking screenshots and sending to my family reminiscing.
I'm hoping this blog will be like that. I always enjoy looking back.
But I have to admit, I feel too old to start something new. Shame. With that attitude, you'd guess I'm 60. But I'm not, I'm 24. I just feel like no one will ever visit this site. No one will ever care. No one will ever comment. But for some reason, I think it is important.
Now, what are the odds I stick with it? Probably low, but in my head they're somewhat high. I'm going to outline the reasons why in my next post.